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Support Us

Thank you to our past donors who continue to help support our mission of Striving for Excellence through the Performing Arts. 


If you would like to join this distinguished list, please use the link below, or email

Our Donors

Angels $5,000+

Victoria K. Fertitta

The Matthews Family

The Simmons Family

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wieseler

The Barr Family

EL Wiegand Foundation

Producers $1000 - $4999

Ms. Paige Carlovsky

Kelly McCullough

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Becker

The Cootes Family/APC

Adam and Leah Corrigan

Mr. & Mrs. David Fadell

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ricciardi

Mr. & Mrs. George Rogers

Directors $500 - $999

Ms. Taylor Bair and Family

The Golin Family

Mrs. Patricia Taris

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bernstein

Mr. & Mrs Timothy Brennan

Designers $100 - $499

Mr. & Mrs. Romero

The Cross Family

The Tran Family

The Conteduca Family

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Waltermeyer

Ms. Kayla Blevins

Mr. Scott Kreeger

Ms. Celeste Rizo

Ms. Joyce Willis

Mr. & Mrs. James Stella

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McElhattan III

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Martin

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